Register to Vote by October 16!

October 2, 2012

Dear Rutgers Students:

From health care to the economy to the state of higher education, the decisions made by government at every level affect your daily life. You are part of a large and diverse generation with the potential to shape the outcome of these critical issues by voting on November 6. Take the first step: Register to vote!

If you are a citizen of the United States who will be 18 years of age before Election Day, you are eligible to vote in this election.  The registration deadline in New Jersey is October 16, 2012.  Please remember that if you live on campus and want to vote in your Rutgers community, you must be registered with your current campus address.

You can download a New Jersey registration form at For more information on on-campus and off-campus registration, voting by mail, or voting for those who live outside of New Jersey, visit

Completed voter registration forms can either be mailed or dropped off at one of the following locations:

  • Camden – Campus Center Lobby, Impact Information Booth or student organizations present in lobby.
  • Newark – Newark College of Arts and Sciences Student Governing Association  Office, Paul Robeson Campus Center, Room 317; or NJPIRG, 303 Robeson Campus Center.
  • New Brunswick – Eagleton Institute of Politics, located on Ryders Lane.

Registration forms will be accepted at all of these locations until 2 p.m. on October 16. All mailed registrations must be postmarked by October 16. To confirm your registration, call 1-877-NJVOTER (1-877-658-6837). For further information, contact Elizabeth Matto at the Eagleton Institute of Politics ( or Amanda Kain of RU Voting (

As you prepare for Election Day, I encourage you to learn about Ballot Question 1, the $750 million “Building Our Future Bond Act,” which New Jerseyans will vote on in November. If successful, the bond act will provide funds to support construction and renovation of academic buildings on college campuses across the state, including Rutgers. I hope you will consider supporting the bond act, but to do so, you must be registered to vote! October 16 is just two weeks away; please act now to make sure that your voice can be heard.


Robert L. Barchi